Sunday, December 2, 2012

Science Lab Pictures

Flower Dissection Lab- Final posters students created while identifying monocots and dicots, specific flower parts and the function of each part.
 Vascular Tissue Lab Part 1- Flowers were placed in a vase with water and food coloring, students created a hypothesis establishing what they expected to happen to the flowers.

Vascular Tissue Lab Part 2- Students made observations and recorded these observations in their science journals. They began to notice a change in the color of the flower, blue streaks began to show up on the white daisies. These blue streaks demonstrated how vascular tissue passes water throughout the entire plant.
Digestive System Lab- Students created representations of their digestive system. They took their measurements and used ratios to determine the actual length of their digestive system. They used different colored yarn to represent each of the 5 parts of the digestive system. They taped labels on each color to show which color represents what part of the system.  To their surprise, the small intestine, the longest part of the digestive system, was often more than 4 meters long and the entire digestive system stretched the distance of the entire classroom. 

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